ام آر آی مغز یک روش تصویربرداری است که با استفاده از آهنربا های قوی و امواج رادیویی تصاویری از مغز و بافت های عصبی پیرامونی آن  ایجاد می کند. در  این کیس گلیوم پوتامن همراه با متاستاز مغز دیده می شود.

گزارش پزشک :


(With & Without contrast)

Technique:Axial FLAIR  , Axial , sagittal ,  FSE  T2 , coronal T1 & post contrast Axial-sagittal – coronal T1 .


The interhemispheric fissure is centered on the midline .

The sella and pituitary – pineal g .are normal and parasellar, suprasellar  structures are unremarkable.

The cerebello pontine angle area appears normal on each side.

The internal acoustic meatus has normal width .

The orbital contents , falx , dura and calvaria are unremarkable .

Major intracranial vascular structures , pericavernous spaces and visualized intracranial nerve complex are normal .

The paranasal sinuses are clear and aerated with no evidence of bone erosion or destruction,  fluid collection , cystic retention and mucosal thickening.

– A well – defined mass lesion ( 25 x 35 mm ) in left putamen- caudate nucleus ( high T2 – FLAIR & low T1 ) with mass effect on left lateral ventricle & with post contrast bright enhancement

– Focal signal change at inferomedial of right frontal lobe & in left temporal pole ( high T2 – FLAIR ) with post contrast gyriform enhancement suggestive for glioma of putamen – caudate nucleus with cerebral matstasis in right frontal & left temporal lobes

are seen

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بازدید های این مقاله

14 نفر

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