ام آر آی اوربیت با استفاده از آهنربا و امواج رادیویی تصاویری از اوربیت ها، اعصاب، عضلات و بافت های اطراف آن ایجاد می کند. ذر این کیس ضایعه نئوپلاستیک اروبیت به ابعاد mm 15 x 18 x 23 دیده می شود.

گزارش پزشک :


(with and without contrast)

Technique: Axial T1 , Axial , sagittal , coronal FSE T2 , coronal T1, sagittal fat sat T2 , Axial , sagittal T1 post Gd .


The right orbit are symmetrical and of normal size , with normal development of the orbital cones .

The globes are symmetrical and of normal size and the ocular contents show normal signal characteristics .

The ocular walls are smooth , sharply defined , and of normal thickness .

The optic nerve has normal course and caliber on each side .

The eye muscles are normally positioned and display normal course and width.

The retrobulbar fat, ophthalmic vein and lacrimal apparatus are unremarkable .

Evaluable portions of the neurocranium and paranasal sinuses show no abnormalities .

– A well – defined mass lesion ( 15 x 18 x 23 mm ) in left orbit with left proptosis & medial deviation of left lateral rectus , attached to lateral wall of orbit & with post contrast enhancement suggestive for neoplasic lesion & metastasis is seen

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بازدید های این مقاله

15 نفر

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