ام آر آی مغز یک روش تصویربرداری است که با استفاده از آهنربا های قوی و امواج رادیویی تصاویری از مغز و بافت های عصبی پیرامونی آن ایجاد می کند.در این کیس کاهش ارتفاع غده هیپوفیز و نشت مایع مغزی نخاعی و…. دیده میشود
گزارش پزشک
(Without contrast)
siemens MRI ( magnetom altea 1.5 tesla )
Technique:Axial FLAIR , Axial , sagittal , FSE T2 , coronal T1 .
The interhemispheric fissure is centered on the midline .
The cerebral ventricles / cisterns are normal size and shape .
The cortex and white matter show normal signal intensity .
No abnormalities are seen in the basal ganglia , int . capsule, corpus callosum , Thalamus and tectal plate .
The brain stem , cerebellum show no abnormal changes in signal characteristics.
The cerebello pontine angle area appears normal on each side.
The internal acoustic meatus has normal width .
The orbital contents , falx , dura and calvaria are unremarkable .
Major intracranial vascular structures , pericavernous spaces and visualized intracranial nerve complex are normal .
The paranasal sinuses are clear and aerated with no evidence of bone erosion or destruction, fluid collection , cystic retention and mucosal thickening.
– Pituitary gland height loss and CSF protrusion into the sella turcica consistent with partial empty sella (grade 3) is seen.