ام آر آی صورت و سینوس با استفاده از آهرنباها و امواج رادیویی تصاویری از اوربیت ها، ساختاری های صورت، عضلات و بافت های اطراف آن ایجاد می کند. در این کیس توده سینوس جلویی، سلای نسبتا خالی و ضخیم شدن مخاطی دیده می شود.

گزارش پزشک


(with & without contrast)

Technique : Sagittal T1  , T2 , Axial T2 .


The cervical spine shows a smooth lordotic curvature with normal alignment.

The intervertebral disk spaces are normal height and signal intensity .

The bony spinal canal has normal width which , neural foramina and  posterior element displays normal nature .

The visualized spinal cord is normal .

Predense distance is normal .

Paravertebral stripe is normal in shape and signal intensity .

The nasal turbinates show a normal arrangement and normal signal intensity.

The pharynx and imaged parapharyngeal structures petrygoid lamina and fossa  show no abnormalities. 

– Post op. changes in nasal cavity & in left ethmoid & maxillary sinuses 

– An ill – defined lobulated solid cystic mass lesion ( 30 x 45 mm ) in left frontal sinus with extention to left orbit , let proptosis , destruction of left frontal & medial wall of left orbit & with post contrast heterogeneous enhancement suggestive for recurrent / remnant tumor

– Extension of suprasella cistern to sella with thin pituitary gland in floor of sella ( partial empty sella )

Mucosal thickening with fluid collection in  sphenoid , right  frontal & right maxillary sinuses

are seen

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298 نفر

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