ام آر آی لگن یک روش تصویربرداری است که از طریق دستگاهی با آهنرباهای قوی و امواج رادیویی از ناحیه بین استخوان های ران تصاویری می سازد. در این کیس ادم سر و گردن استخوان ران پا مشهاده میشود

گزارش پزشک




( without  contrast) 


Technique : Axial and  coronal T2 , coronal T1 & coronal fatsat


The pelvic inlet appears normal , with normal configuration of iliac wings and iliopsoas muscles.

No abnormalities are found in imaged bowel structures and there are no signs of wall thickening or mass lesions.

The urinary bladder appears normal and has normal wall thickness.

The muscles around the pelvis are unremarkable.

no history of truma 

edema at head & neck of right femur associated with minimal joint effusion & mild edema at illiopseoas tendon 

there is no evidence of subchondral collapse in propper clinical setting  finding  can be due of transient osteoporosis of hip ; AVN is less probable Dx .

follow up MRI is recommended .

both ovary are enlarged ( 54×46 right side & 42×37 left side ) associated with numerous tiny follicles within them ( imaging appearance of PCO )

correlation with US axamination is recommended .

thickening of junctional zone of uterus is noted with normal endometrial thickness .


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