ام آر آی لگن یک روش تصویربرداری است که از طریق دستگاهی با آهنرباهای قوی و امواج رادیویی از ناحیه بین استخوان های ران تصاویری می سازد.در این کیس کیست به ابعاد 22*35 در بیضه راست و … دیده میشود

گزارش پزشک


(with & without  contrast)

Technique : Axial and  coronal T2 , coronal T1


The pelvic inlet appears normal , with normal configuration of iliac wings and iliopsoas muscles

No abnormalities are found in imaged bowel structures and there are no signs of wall thickening or mass lesions

The distended urinary bladder normal and has normal wall thickness

The seminal vesicle are of normal size

The angle between the bladder and seminal vesicle is normal on each side

The prostate shows a normal size , configuration and signal intensity

The vessels of the lesser pelvic are normal in their course and caliber

a well – defined solid cystic mass lesion ( 22x35mm ) in right testis , with DWI restriction , with cystic degeneration – necrosis  , with suggestive sign of capsular invasion in anteroinferior of right testis & with post contrast mild enhancement suggestive for

1.non seminoma

2.cord abscess with post medical treatment changes

are seen

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